OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Convert XML to Excel Utility

Used to convert various dataset files (including DataGroup catalog files; part, compound part, and component files; and settings files) from XML to XLSX. The data can be bulk-edited in the Excel format (an Excel XLTM template is provided internally with OpenBuildings Designer, and then converted back to the XML format. This utility runs with Excel 2007 and higher.

Accessed from:

  • Backstage: File > Utilities > Data Utilities > Convert XML to Excel

Features include:
  • Browsing to the file(s) that need to be converted.
  • Before a file is converted, the utility creates a backup of the XML file with a *.BAK extension in the source directory. This prevents OpenBuildings Designer from reading or using a backup file.

    When the XLTM file is converted back to an XML, the original file is replaced and ready for use.

  • Following utility prompts, where you can open a file immediately after it is converted.
  • Part, compound part, and component files can be converted to Excel, where data can be bulk edited using Find and Replace. This is much faster than editing items one at a time in Family/Part Editor.
  • Amended Excel data can be brought back in XML using the Excel to XML option.
Action The conversion utility allows selecting conversion from and to XML/Excel, by setting one of the radio buttons:
  • XML to Excel - Converts selected XML file in the source to corresponding Excel file in the destination.
  • Excel to XML - Converts selected Excel file in the source to corresponding XML file in the destination.
From Displays the current source file being converted. Use the Browse button next to this field to select the desired XML/Excel file by navigating through the Open dialog. Alternatively, you can use the File > Select Source File menu.
To Displays the target file name being assigned in conversion. The file name remains same as that of source file, while the extension is assigned based on the current action selected. Use the Browse button next to this field to select the desired path by navigating through the Save As dialog. Alternatively, you can use the File > Select Destination File menu. You can override name of the destination file, if required.
Convert Starts the action, creates a backup (.BAK) file in current folder. Displays the message displaying file name and directory location in conversion. When converting XML to XLSX, prompts if you want to open the Excel.
Cancel Dismisses the conversion and closes the dialog.